Visit our website's home page, click on the product image in the current competition, and fill out the entry form.
After payment, you'll know if your answer was correct. Correct answers enter you into the draw, while incorrect ones don't. You'll receive an email confirming your answer and entry status.
We will notify the winner via telephone or email within 7 days of the closing date of the competition. If you change any of your contact details prior to the closing date, you must inform us. We will try to contact you using the information you have supplied us with. If we cannot reach you within 14 days of the closing date we reserve the right to choose another winner and you will lose your right to claim the prize.
The opening and closing date of the competitions are stated on the website. If we have to change either of these dates for any reason, we will update the website accordingly. We will only change the dates if we have to for reasons outside of our control.
Everyone who gets the answer to the question correct will be entered into a draw. The winner will then be chosen at random from all the correct entries range of tickets useing Googles random number generator Live on facebook. The samne will apply for the Bonus draws.
If you have any questions that have not been answered here, please email us at and we will happily answer them for you.